• A page about Lucrezia Noli


    I am a self-starter, entrepreneurial, tenacious and passionate professional, working in the Artificial Intelligence space at Google. Grit is my main strength. I believe in transparency, honesty and trust. I love nature, jazz music and sports. I have a baby cat named Tutu.

  • I recently joined Google! 


    Currently based in London

    Working Experience


    AI Solution Specialist lead at Google!


    • AI Technical Consultant: I leverage my expertise in Big Data Analytics and AI to help startups and larger organizations define their AI strategies, and build innovative solutions that will help them distrupt their industries.
    • Google for Startup Programmes: I support our AI-focused programmes as a technical team lead and consultant, supporting the selection of startups taking part of the programme, curating the programme syllabus and leading the Technical Success Managers who support the startups throughout their journey.
    • OCTO: as a member of the Office of the CTO Ambassadors Programme, I organize and lead ideation sessions that help customers implement design thinking methodologies to innovate in their industries.


    Senior Delivery Solutions Architect at Databricks


    I led the conceptualization and implementation of Data & AI strategies, driving transformative digitalization programmes for large enterprises. I leverage my expertise in Big Data & AI technologies to enable organizations to optimize their operations, enhance decision-making capabilities, and establish a competitive edge in their respective industries.

    • Technical Account Manager: I manage a diverse portfolio of strategic, global customers, supporting them in driving innovation and establishing Centers of Excellence within their organizations. I am a technical trusted advisor who helps build and scale products that support data-driven decisions.
    • Innovation Consultant: I support in the ideation and rolling out of programmes that nurture Data Culture across organizations and unlock business capabilities.
    • Community contribution: I'm a mentor, a trainer for our global Data+AI events, and a guest speaker at Universities.

    Big Data Scientist at Dataskills

    • Consultancy: I ideated, architected and programmed Predictive Analytics solutions for companies in all sectors.
    • Lecturing: I ran Data Literacy enablement programmes for the management teams in corporate customers.
    • Brand Advocacy: I supported Dataskills as a brand advocate and company evangelist, participating in conferences, talks and data events.
    • Sales&Marketing: I supervisioned the management of the company's website, as well as the creation of commercial material (presentations, documents, case histories).
      References: Alessandro Rezzani, Founder & CEO.

    Fellow Lecturer at Bocconi University

    • Computer Science: in this full-time, curricular course I focused on the advanced use of excel and basics of python programming language.
    • Big Data: in this extra-curricular course I covered the entire Predictive Analytics process, from data preparation to modelling, testing and optimizing ML models.
      References: Alberto Clerici, IT Education Center

    Business Development Manager at Metail

    • Market targetization & expansion: The role covered the end to end sales cycle from sourcing new leads, discussing technical details of the service, presenting results of implementations, contract writing and signing.
    • Innovation: I supported the ideation of Composed Photography
      References: Mark Hodgson, Chief Commercial Officer & Vikesh Shah, Commercial Director  



    Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Milano, Italy

    • Bachelor in International Economics, Management & Finance.
      Thesis:" Psychology as a driver of asset prices: an analysis of the limits of arbitrage in irrationality-driven markets".
    • Master in Economics & Management of Innovation Technology
      Graduated Summa Cum Laude 
      Thesis:" Machine Learning Techniques to Investigate the ALS Disease".
      This research won the second prize of PRISLA competition, evisioned to advance research on the ALS disease

    University Of Technology, Sydney, Australia

    Campus abroad, course on Product and Project Management

    Center for Creative Arts, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA

    Exchange program during 4th year of High School. Major in music

  • Conferences & Events


    I believe what we do is as important as our ability to share it with others

    Convolutional Neural Networks to analyze images

    ODSC 2020 talking about how to process images with Convolutional Neural Networks

    In this session I focused on image processing using Convolutional Neural Networks. These algorithms were introduces in the 50s and 60s thanks to studies on cats' brains, and are quite different from other Neural Networks, trying to mimic the functioning of our visual cortex.

    Spark +AI Summit

    Working with 1 MIllion Time Series a Day

    It's been such an honor to be among the speakers at Spark + AI Summit. This is the biggest event worldwide concerning Apache Spark, the most performing among the (few) analytical tool allowing to analyze huge amounts of data very quickly. Apache Spark has become the de facto standard for Big Data Analytics in just a few years. The technology was created within the University of California, and subsequently donated to the Apache Software Foundation, Apache Spark provides up to 100 times better performances with respect to the previous paradigm, Hadoop’s MapReduce.

    This solution is having great success among Data Scientists who need to minimize their models’ training and prediction times.

    In my session here I presented a proprietary solution ideated by Dataskills to carry out semi-real time analysis of a huge amount of time series data, for which to give a precise prediction of future behavior by use of a single computational engine.

    Transfer Learning

    WPC 2020 talking about Natural Language Processing

    This year at WPC I covered a central topic in Machine Learning, useful especially when working with images, videos and text.That is, transfer learning, which means exploiting existing models, usually very powerful because trained on huge amounts of data, in order to create better ad-hoc models for our own problem, but much faster and with better predictive performances.

    Campus Party Milano 2018

    Machine Learning in Action : from theory to applications

    It was such an experience to talk to 200 super-interested people who were there listening to me to know more about the exciting field of Data Science. As always, I tried to share my passion for Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining with some examples of the lastest applications of Machine Learning models.

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    Campus Party is a global event connecting young entrepreneurs, students and investors in the tech industry. It already experienced 72 editions in 13 different countries. I was honored to give a speech in the 2018 event in Milan: "Predictive Analytics in Action: from theory to applications" with around 200 participants showing up to listen to me. Such good vibes, I hope to do it again soon!

    WPC Milano 2018

    Applied Machine Learning: from theoretical to actionable deep learning structures

    WPC is the biggest italian event on Microsoft technologies and I was very honored and excited to give a one-hour class on a very cutting-edge topic such as that of Deep Learning.

    Metail Customers Welcoming

    We gathered together to collect girls most genuine feedbacks on our product

    While working at Metail, I proposed and organized an event to open our office's doors to end-clients and let them try our technology in an informal, fun way. The feedback received were gathered in this video.

  • Brain Cherries Podcast

    A series of podcasts about innovation in all its forms hosted by Lucrezia Noli and Erika Poletti.
    In this series of podcasts we share our weekly discoveries about exciting new inventions, start-ups, apps, new artists, and ideas that inspired us. We also interview managers, innovators, entrepreneurs, who are willing to share with us their secret formula for success.
    🎧  Listen on Spotify, Google Podcast, Spreaker, SoundCloud, YouTube
    🖤  If you like our content, please follow us on social medias!

  • Academic Fellow at IT Education Center


    Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi

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    Computer Science

    Bachelor in Economics and Finance

    I teach this course to the students enrolled in the Bachelor in Economics and Finance.
    This is the first compulsory informatics course for first year students.
    The course covers advanced use of excel and python basics.

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    Big Data Analytics

    Bachelor, Master, SDA and PhD

    This is an extracurricular course covering the basics of Predictive Analytics, focusing on data preparation and different regression, classification and clustering algorithms. I teach this class to students enrolled in Bachelor, Master, SDA and PhD programs at Bocconi University.

  • An International Life

    US to UK

    LEÀRNING a language, MEETING new people, DISCOVERING a New culture

    Chattanooga, Tennesse, USA 🇺🇸 2010

    LEARNING a language, MEETING new people, DISCOVERING a different culture
    Being an exchange student is the most formative experience I've had in my life. Not only I learnt the language as good as I could have possibly done, but I found a new me.
    I realized I was able to deal with many things which were previously fixed by my parents and, most importantly, I experienced a cultural difference that has been really useful afterwards in order to put up with people coming from different realities.
    LEÀRNING a language, MEETING new people, DISCOVERING a New culture

    London, UK 🇬🇧 2016

    Moving out, having to deal with everything your parents did for you, starting to work a full-time job while continuing to study for exams

    The most important experience after having lived in the United States. I not only learnt a new job, but also how to build honest and strong business friendships, I found out how people working with me see me, and on the basis of their feedback I did my best to continuously improve.

    I became psychologically stronger, learnt to deal with daily problems without external support, and proved myself that I could successfully work and study at the same time.

    LEÀRNING a language, MEETING new people, DISCOVERING a New culture

    Back in London 🇬🇧 2020

    I'm back, more resilient and stronger than ever

    I always knew that my future would have been abroad, because diverse, international and fast-moving environments are the most stimulating for me, and thus the ones that help me do my best. After an incredible experience as a Data Scientist in Milan, where I had the opportunity to learn the job being mentored by one of my former university professors, and founder of the firm, I finally decided it was time to take the next big step, and moved back to London in May 2020, during the biggest pandemic ever experienced in my lifetime (COVID-19).

    Moving during those times has been all but easy, and the virtual onboarding has been far from what everyone had expected, but to me being here now really shows that nothing is impossible to do, if you really believe in it.

  • Learn more about Data Science

    Visit Dataskills website and read my blog posts!

  • Art, in every shape and color!

    I've had experience as a dancer, performer, singer, songwriter, and radio speaker

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    Brain Cherries Podcast 🎧


    👇🏻 listen to podcast episodes



    Co-host of the Brain Cherries Podcast, where we interview innovators in different sectors, with a focus on technology, and data analytics.


    Every week we share our discoveries about exciting new inventions, start-ups, apps, new artists, and ideas that inspired us.


    We also interview managers, innovators, entrepreneurs, who are willing to share with us their secret formula for success.

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    Creativi Digitali 💃🏼 🕺🏼


    👇🏻 Watch one of our performances



    A vibrant working environment made up of young, talented artists collaborating in the creation of big events for shop openings, new product launches and other initiatives

    Progetto GLIK

    Progetto GLIK 💃🏼 🕺🏼​


    👇🏻 Watch one of our performances

    https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=hLhysXC74Ls


    Progetto Glik is the first italian Show Choir made up of great artists and directed by highly skilled people with awesome ideas. Alessandro Mahmoud, winner of Sanremo 2019, was also part of this project.

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    Jazz Wave 🎶


    I' have been a co-speaker at Jazz Wave, a two-hours program focused on jazz music, ideated by saxophon player Mirko Fait.


    Such a great opportunity to get to interview amazing jazz artists.

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    Music-writing 🎼


    My newest adventure, finally merging the passion for writing and that for music. I find no better way to communicate my feelings with the external world.

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    JesusChristSuperstar 🎤


    A wonderful experience that made me grow both on an artistical level and on a personal one. I was trained by highly skilled professionists as Alessandro Arcodia and Alice Mistroni that helped me improving my vocal and theatrical skills.


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    Hot Oaks Band 🎹 🎸


    Founded in 2007 together with the drums player, the band started off with different components and only after a couple of years was set up in the final composition.


    From 2010 onwards the band has several gigs around Milan and also took part to contests.


    The main genre played is rock and the band was concentrated on playing the songs with their own personal flavor.

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    Ergo 📝


    Check our my reviews of art expositions on Ergo website. Ergo is the Bocconi association for Art and Culture that, together with several other initiatives, publishes articles related to various topics.

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    Fashion Magazine 📝


    I've helped the fashion photographer Raul Funes reviewing some of the fashion shows he followed, by sharing my own take on what goes on behind the scenes.


  • Music and Art

    Listen and enjoy!


    Cover of this cool song with my best mate Pietro Marcellino

    Accade tutto in un attimo

    Leggendo l'undicesimo capitolo del bellissimo libro autobiografico di Primula Galantucci. In questo libro Primula racconta il tragico incidente d'auto avuto a giovane età, e il percorso che ha fatto per diventare la donna che è oggi.

  • Download my CV!

  • Travelling around the world

    Travelling as a means of learning

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    A body paragraph.
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    Los Angeles

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    New York

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    A body paragraph.
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    Punta Cana

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    San Francisco

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  • Where to find me

    get in touch if you think I can be of help

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    ☝🏻 click on the Facebook icon
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    ☝🏻 click on the LinkedIn icon
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    ☝🏻 click on the Email icon
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    ☝🏻 click on the YouTube icon